Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is the newest member of our little alpaca family. Her name is Daphnie and she is a doll. Doug and I both left work in a huge rush to get to the farm the day she was born.....Oh, it might help if I shared what that day was...It was July 12, 2011. I couldn't get from Boulder to Bennett quick enough to see her. She was so tiny and wobbly but her momma was so attentive and got her nursing right away. Mist is a good momma to her babies.

I had to laugh several times as Daphnie was checking Mist's armpits looking for the right place to nurse. There were a few times she ended up walking right through Mist's back legs looking for food. She finally got it and now she is a little piggy.
We were hoping for a rose gray jut like her mom, but she is so beautiful that I can't complain. Her mother is pictured here with Donny, Daphnie's older brother. That gives you an idea what a rose gray color looks like on an alpaca. Daphnie does have very similar markings to her momma and who knows, her fiber may darken up. I still love her color even if she stays the same.

Until next time.......

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Have you ever....

Have you ever wanted so much to exit the career you are in right now and do what you love to do.

You guessed it. I am at that point. Doug and I are working hard to get to a point where we can raise alpaca and Bison....Yeah I said it Bison. Doug's passion and he thinks I am going to be shaving the tummies for the fiber.

I think Not!

Anyway, we decided over a year ago that we wanted to get involved with Alpacas, living life on a farm and me being able to do my fiber arts, which means I would no longer be a cop. I think I am all for that right now in my life. Don't get me wrong being a cop is not a bad thing, I am just so much more passionate about my fiber arts.

I have a retirement and benefits that I need to think really hard about before I decide to throw in the towel.

At this point we are living in Arvada and visiting our Alpacas once a week. We knew we would have to do this for a period of time, but we are both itching to get our own farm going. Stay tuned for the fiasco that happened when we found land in Weld County and ended up staying a whole 2 days before moving back to my house in Arvada. This is a story you won't believe. I will post it soon......

I sell my creations on Etsy and love the community. I have purchased items from other and love the variety of sellers and options. However, I am struggling with why I am not selling anything. I have bought all the books that tell you to have great photographs, have a great banner and avatar and price things right. I have offered sales, and promoted several of my items. I get several hearts and views of my products, but no sales. I think my product is quality and fashionable. If it isn't, I wish someone would say something......I have changed thing so many times that I have gone back to square one to begin again with simple and leave it at that.

If you have any suggestions I would love to hear from anyone.

Now enough of that, I have been creating some really awesome things and will be posting them shortly. I will post them here and on my, web site and on etsy.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Check Out My Shop On Etsy

Ok so my shop is up and running with 15% discounts until 1-9-11. I don't want to go on and on about it, but I have been learning alot about promoting and making my shop more appealing to customers. I sold a ton of stuff at a craft fair at work and I really would like to get my etsy sales in line with craft fair sales. Enough of that........

So just an update on Mist and Donny. Donny is getting big and is a little pistol. He doesn't like being walked around without his momma (Mist). He is still adorable and we continue to work with him to get him ready to show at Great Western Alpaca Show (GWAS).

Mist is pregnant again and we are hoping for a rose grey baby in the spring. Mist is a rose grey color. I just took all of her wonderful fiber and skirted it, getting all of the hay and stuff out of it, and sent it to get spun into yarn. I can't wait to get it back and work it up for a nice hat or Underwear for Doug...lol He always asks me for a pair of knitted underwear.. What a goof he is.

If you don't know who Doug is, he is my boyfriend, bestfriend, alpaca buddy and much much more. Yes, he is the one in the picture with our cutie pie Donny.

I will be learning how to proficiently spin so that I can process Mist's and Donny's fiber myself next year.

Another new and exciting thing that has happend is that we are moving to Ft. Lupton from Arvada. We are moving to a place that has a few acres for our alpacas. I am so excited, I never thought we would be on our way this soon. Mist and Donny are at the farm we bought them from right now in Bennett Colorado. We will soon have them on our little farm and be able to see them all the time. We only get to see them once a week right now.
Sweet, I will be back in a few days as I got to get packing my house up for the move. You all know what that is like. Until then...........